Two New Recipients of the Mitchell/Heep/Munnerlyn Career Enhancement Chair
We are pleased to announce two new recipients and co-holders of the Mitchell/Heep/Munnerlyn Career Enhancement Chair.
This chair has a long history of excellent holders, starting with Dr. Lifan Wang. Once a faculty member is tenured, he or she must give up the chair or pass the torch, so to speak, to another untenured faculty member. Other outstanding faculty who held this chair included Dr. Lucas Macri, Dr. Ricardo Eusebi and Dr. Louis Strigari. We look forward to the longstanding purpose of this chair to support the research of programs showing great promise and remarkable achievements in science.

Dr. Jonelle Walsh, Assistant Professor.

Dr. Jeremy Holt, Assistant Professor.

Mitchell/Heep/Munnerlyn Career Enhancement Chair
Please join us in congratulating Jonelle and Jeremy with this recognition!