Texas A&M University is host of the two-year College Quantum Optics Advanced Technological Education Program
Texas A&M University is hosting a two-week training program in quantum optics for community college physics teachers.
The program entitled “Two-Year College Quantum Optics Advanced Technological Education Program” is conducted by Texas A&M, Lee College of Baytown and the National Science Foundation.
It is managed by Marlan O. Scully, who holds the title of Distinguished Professor of physics at Texas A&M, Robert B. Clark, professor of physics at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and Tom O’Kuma, professor of physics at Lee College.
Participants receive tutorials on recent discoveries in quantum optics, hands-on laboratory experience with tools of emerging technologies, and pedagogical training in active learning techniques. Twenty-one teachers from all over the United States are participating to the program.
To complete the program, the teachers must attend two training sessions, the current one that runs through this week and May 14-25, 2001, and four follow-up workshops in fall 2000 and 2001 and spring 2001 and 2002. They are also required to develop one at-home project to implement the instruction received at the training sessions and the workshops. At the end of the program, the participants will receive 12 semester hours of graduate-level credit from Texas A&M.
The participants receive support from NSF in the form of an annual stipend of $750, a subsistence support for room and board, as well as textbooks and instructional materials required for the program.
Contact: Patrice Pages, (979) 845-4618, or patrice-pages@tamu.edu.
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Texas A&M University
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