Texas A&M to Host Binational Workshop on Materials Research
Materials researchers and engineers from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (CINVESTAV), Queretaro, will meet with Texas A&M University materials researchers July 13-15 to further academic exchanges between the two research universities.
The goal of the workshop is to open mutually beneficial opportunities for collaborations between Texas A&M and CINVESTAV researchers, said organizer Dr. Raymundo Arroyave, an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M and a member of the Materials Science and Engineering faculty.
Materials-related topics to be presented by researchers on both side of the border are materials processing (experimental and modeling), ceramics, multifunctional thin films, and characterization of materials.
Improvement in materials characteristics can drive advances in personal and large-scale electronics, more efficient energy generation from batteries and fuel cells, more compatible prosthetic devices and medical instruments, and higher-performance aircraft, said Dr. Igor Roshchin, assistant professor in the Department of Physics and also a Materials Science and Engineering faculty member.
The CINVESTAV researchers will also tour materials laboratories at Texas A&M.
This workshop is a collaboration between the Materials Science and Engineering Program, and the Department of Physics, the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering.
Click here for more information on the workshop.
Contact: Jan Gerston, (979) 845-0750 or jgerston@tamu.edu
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