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Lifan Wang
September 30, 20144:00 pm – 5:00 pm (CDT)

The New Frontier Into the Dark Age: z Equals Twenty from Antarctica (zeta)


Lifan Wang (Texas A&M University)



Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics & Astronomy

College Station, Texas 77843

Event Details

A critical epoch in the history of structure formation in the universe is at redshift around 20, when the universe formed its first generation of compact objects (stars/black holes/galaxies). The ultraviolet photons from these compact objects subsequently led to the reionizaztion of the universe. At such extreme distance as z ~ 20, most known astronomical objects are too faint even for the space-based James Web Space Telescope (JWST) and the ground-based extremely large telescopes of the next decade. The first generation massive stars at z ~ 20 may produce super-luminous supernovae that are bright enough for JWST, but these supernovae will have to be discovered by a deep wide-field infrared survey. The z Equals Twenty from Antarctica (zETA) program aims to acquire near-infrared sky surveys down to a level that enables discovery of z ~ 20 supernovae. zETA is a program endorsed by the working group Astronomy and Astrophysics from Antarctica (AAA) of Scientific Committee on Antarctica Research (SCAR).

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