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Higher Spin Supercurrents of Matter and Higher Spin Supermultiplets
November 12, 20182:00 pm – 3:00 pm (CDT)

Higher Spin Supercurrents of Matter and Higher Spin Supermultiplets


Konstantinos Koutrolikos (Brown University)



Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics & Astronomy

College Station, Texas 77843

Event Details

In the first part I will discuss cubic interactions of various 4D, N=1 matter supermultiplets with higher spin supermultiplets via Noether’s procedure. A ‘higher spin’ extension of superdiffeomorphism will be presented and it will guide the construction of higher spin supercurrents that generate the cubic interactions. In the second part I will consider cubic interactions of 4D, N=1 higher spin supermultiplets by constructing gauge invariant supercurrents. A special class of these supercurrents provide the supersymmetric and higher spin extension of the Bel-Robinson tensor known from GR.

Video Recording

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