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The primary goal of the American Physical Society (APS) Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) is to provide undergraduate women with a professional conference experience, encouragement to continue in physics, exposure to different career paths, and a community of other women in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, advice, and ideas.
CUWiP has become incredibly popular. In order to maximize the number of CUWiP participants we can accommodate, we will allocate participants to sites based on travel logistics and site capacity. We will aim to follow the distributions outlined below, but may have to make adjustments. Please do not purchase travel or plan to be at a specific site until you receive an email confirming you have been accepted to a specific CUWiP site.
Texas A&M is proud to be one of the regional hosts for the 2020 CUWiP. Our site serves the states of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.
We are committed to hosting a conference that is an open, diverse, and inclusive environment. We believe that an array of values, interests, experiences, and intellectual and cultural viewpoints will enrich our participation in this event. We will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, sexuality, gender identity or expression, physical ability, age, economic or social status, or veteran status. See the APS Code of Conduct.
These conferences are supported in part by the National Science Foundation (PHY-1346627) and by the Department of Energy Office of Science (DE-SC0011076). Further details are available on the APS conference website.
Our LOC would like to specifically thank the Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics & Astronomy for their generous support of our local CUWiP.
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