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April 4, 202311:30 am – 1:00 pm (CDT)

AMO/IQSE seminar: Solutions for 3D Bioimaging with Applications in Host Pathogen Science and Bio-energy


Ted A. Laurence (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)



Mitchell Physics Building

College Station, Texas 77843-4242

About The Speaker

Ted Laurence is Group Leader for the Laser Material Interaction Science Group in the Materials Science Division of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He started his career working on development of detection strategies for single molecule FRET and surface enhanced Raman scattering. He developed imaging strategies aimed at understanding, mitigating, and preventing laser-induced damage in fused silica optics for the National Ignition Facility. His current work emphasizes the understanding of laser material interactions. He has continued to be involved in biophysical research, including development of screening technologies based on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and the imaging techniques discussed in this talk.

Event Details

Dynamic 3D Imaging is an enduring need for understanding biological systems and interactions.  For host pathogen science, such imaging is necessary to understand the sequence and timing of events in pathogen invasion of host cells.  The interaction of bacteria and fungi with plant roots (the rhizosphere) and bacteria and algae in aqueous environments can affect growth of plants or algae positively or negatively, and understanding these interactions are crucial to development of effective bioenergy.  At LLNL, we have applied multimodal multiphoton microscopy in combination with adaptive optics to the imaging of the rhizosphere without labeling and lattice light sheet microscopy to the imaging of the behavior of host cells upon infection by pathogenic bacteria.  We are also developing a new 3D quantum imaging technique (3DQ) that will allow us to obtain multiple dimensions of information for each fluorescence emission or scattering event.  I will discuss the basics of each of these solutions and the challenges each faces to reach its potential.    

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