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September 6, 202211:30 am (CDT)

AMO/IQSE Seminar: From table-top experiments for quantum gravity to quantum effects in cosmology


Yusef Maleki (IQSE, Texas A&M University)



Event Details

Quantization of gravity remains one of the most important, yet extremely elusive, challenges at the heart of modern physics. Any attempt to resolve this long-standing problem seems to be doomed, as the route to any direct empirical evidence (i.e., detecting gravitons) for shedding light on the quantum aspect of gravity is far beyond the current capabilities. In this talk, I discuss how quantum-informatics techniques can be employed to test the quantum side of gravity. Then, I further discuss the implications of quantum effects in cosmological scales. In particular, I show that quantum entanglement may have some new implications in cosmological evolution of the universe.

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